Sunday 17 February 2013

Dole Bludgers

So yeah, another day another dollar... or so it would seem. I absolutely fucking HATE people on welfare that thoroughly don't deserve it. I have had massive arguments with people in the past about the welfare system here in Australia (all the people sticking up for it funnily enough are on benefits)

This guy, we all know one

Now I don't give a shit if these people 'claim' to be on a disability or something, for fucks sake I go to work everyday with disabilities and function just fine. And this rant isn't just because i don't qualify for benefits, when I was a student living in the middle of bumfuck-idaho and had to pay $20 everday just to travel to TAFE I somehow didn't 'qualify' for just a travel allowance to get too and from TAFE. And then when i was living by myself, in a different state to my entire family working a 90hr a week job that paid $6.60 per hour I still didn't qualify for assistance.

What's that Sir? You don't have a Meth addiction? Sorry no benefits for you GTFO!

Now I love working. It keeps me relatively sane and occupied and I actually feel like i am contributing to society. I DESERVE the pay that I receive. Dole bludgers don't. Dole bludgers are just scumbag cuntholes that don't deserve a cent of what they receive. All they do is keep the flow of drug and assault charges flowing through our society and drain money like a leech out of our under-funded government. I suppose at least they keep the police busy.

This years winner of  'Cavity Search 2013'
 Almost all dole bludgers claim to be 'disabled' or a 'student' or 'knocked up for the 7th time'. Bitch please, if you were properly disabled you wouldn't be able to make it down to the TAB. And if you were a student you wouldn't be doing your 13th semester of Social Studies Cert II. And this 'Baby Bonus' bullshit, don't give the skanks cash you idiots, give them food stamps and coupons for nappies not money for a new fucking TV! 

Nappies? LOL WHAT!?

Regardless of how much I hate dole bludgers some people DO deserve to receive benefits. Like the retired who have worked their whole lives and deserve time off. Or students going through university studying to be doctors, engineers and (better) politicians. Or a cancer patient who can't afford treatment. Depending on the circumstance i thoroughly believe in welfare, but if it being used by fuckwit assholes that just don't want to go to work then tough titties get a job shitbag! Stop breeding more dole bludgers with your severely inbred missus and GET A JOB!

 Yeah, this is what is getting your hard earned tax money

Alrighty I have ranted enough about dole bludgers, have a good day shitbags!

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