Sunday 17 February 2013


Alrighty so first post of this amazing wonderland of shitful things designed to annoy and at number 1 place of things that shit me today, Skanks. They are a new breed of confused tweens and 20-something year old females. Now not all females shit me just these ones, the special few that wear tiny short shorts and short crop tops. Bitch if i wanted to see you naked i would just ask.

This kind of covers my skanks and guido hate

This is what a skank looks like, beware of them they are dangerous. They will give you ghonnorea if you get too close or crabs if they sneeze.. don't ask how they just will. They will usually be seen in public toilets taking photos of themselves in dirty mirrors or screaming 'YOLO' with their girlfriends whilst downing a shot of half strength tequila and going on about 'how smashed' they are.

Sometimes you will see them hanging out at the nearest mall in groups going through the discount clothes bins at Jay Jays or getting thier bellybuttons pierced at the nearest Hairhouse Warehouse. (I'll bitch about Hairhouse Warehouse later)

Tweens on thier way to getting thier bellybuttons pierced with a gun with thier BFFL's

They are kind of one step below Hipster in a tween pop kind of way with thier stupid giant Elton John glasses and thier Daisy Duke cut-offs. Anywho I am sure you can fill in the rest, don't deny it we have all seen them and wished they would wear pants or do as thier mothers told them.


  1. This is a pretty accurate sum up of what decent folk think. The only people skanks will attract is lowlife guys who want to get there dick wet and there pubis itchy.

  2. Lol itchy pubis... but yeah usually accompanying the skanks are their guidofuckwannabe boyfriends that have hair like a paintbrush.
