Sunday, 17 February 2013

Try-hard Geeks

So i identify as a Geek. I have a Zelda tattoo and a mustache, I stay indoors as much as possible and I get wet when I receive a new piece of technology. I have Asthma, severe OCD and a WoW account. I dream that one day when society permits me that I will be able to walk around dressed as my favorite video game character. Tell me I'm not a Geek.


Now my issue is this. A few weeks ago I went down to one of the many local EB Games to peruse their wares (and find a cheap bargain because I'm poor) I found a game I had been looking for for ages, creamed my pants and went to pay. This is where some scumbag Hipster-Geek flicks the greasy hair of their face, glares at me and dribbles 'Oh cool geeky tattoo, did you become a fan recently'

I imagine this is how i looked when i responded
BITCH PLEASE! I have been a geek since i was 6 FUCKING YEARS OLD! I have had more games and bits of computers come and go through my sticky little fingers than you have hairs in your shitty hipster beard! I didn't stay inside all my teenage years and not have friends or a social life just so i could be cool in my early 20's! AND IF YOU TRY AND ASSOCIATE ME WITH SOME HIPSTER-GEEK I WILL CUT YOU!

I'm going to cut your stupid hipster beard
And right now I won't begin the rage on those stupid girls that put a pair of glasses on, pull a stupid face in the mirror and upload the picture to facebook tagged as 'lulz i is such a nerdz, i can haz Halo nao?!'... Actually fuck it I will.

I HATE THEM! Bitch putting a pair of glasses and some skanky clothes on does not qualify you as a 'Gamer Girl'. No gamer girl i have met 'lulz' or refers to themselves as 'nerdz'. Every gamer girl I have met is filled with such rage and hatred i can only describe it in a photo.

Nuff said.

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